health | Stamford Moms

2023 New Year, Healthy YOU Guide!

Many of us are looking for ways to take better care of ourselves and our families in 2023! That’s why Stamford Moms put together our fifth annual Stamford Moms New Year, Heathy YOU Guide. Scroll down to find ways to get moving and taking care of YOU! Whether...

Recipe: Eat the Rainbow Board!

If one of your goals for the New Year is to add more fruits and veggies into your family diet, this Eat the Rainbow Board created by The BakerMama may just help you check that off your list! Assemble it at the beginning of the week to set out at dinner for a few days,...

What does a Health Coach Keep in the Fridge?

Michele Schoenherr is an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and the owner of The Cottage & Co., where she provides private health coaching for clients in the Greenwich, Stamford and Westchester area. She believes that our relationship with food and general...

Women & Heart Disease: What You Should Know

  As moms, it can seem like we’re always taking care of someone else – children, a partner, aging family members, even pets. As a result, we might put off our yearly physical, or brush it off if we’re not feeling well. But not taking steps to prevent heart...

2022 Stamford Moms Fitness Guide!

Many of us are looking for ways to take better care of ourselves in 2022! While it’s so important for us moms to practice self care, it can also be so hard to prioritize! That’s why Stamford Moms put together our fourth annual Stamford Moms Fitness Guide....

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