new mom | Stamford Moms

Playgroup & Class Options for Caregiver & Baby or Toddler!

Making friends with other moms who are in the same place as we are can be essential to our sanity… especially as new moms! But, finding places to meet other moms can be challenging. Scroll down for a list of playgroups and classes in our area for parents of...

Giving Birth In Stamford During the COVID-19 Pandemic

With COVID-19 dramatically altering the way we all live, there are some things that won’t change. The due dates of women across the country and in our area is one of them. In Stamford Hospital’s maternity ward, expectant moms are being met with new...

HQHT: Helping New Moms Treat Mastitis Effectively & Conveniently

by Caryn McAllister, PT, DPT / President & CEO of High Quality Home Therapy Planning to nurse?  Health experts agree that breastfeeding is the healthiest option for both mom and baby. Most healthcare experts recommend nursing for the first 6 months of the...

Getting In Shape Down There After Childbirth

by Caryn McAllister, PT, DPT / President & CEO of High Quality Home Therapy After giving birth, your new bundle will naturally be your top priority. But as they say on airplanes, you need to put your oxygen mask on first. It’s vital to consider your own postpartum...

Meet A Mom: Alicia!

How many kids do you have and what are their ages?I have three children and all girls: Evelyn 7, Britney 5, and Kiera  2. How did you end up in Stamford?I grew up in Stamford. I went away to college but came back to be closer to my family. I met my husband, who is a...

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