How To Vote Absentee In The August Primary Election - Stamford Moms

Stamford residents will vote for the Democratic and Republican Presidential Candidates on August 11. According to the Stamford Town Clerk, there will be no local or districtwide races this year. Due to COVID-19, Governor Ned Lamont signed an executive order allowing all registered voters in Connecticut to vote absentee.

Secretary of the State Denise Merrill mailed every registered Democrat and Republican in the state an application via the U.S. Postal Service. Once you receive yours, you will need to fill it out and return it in the return envelope included, which includes paid postage, order to obtain an absentee ballot. All voters who request an absentee ballot will receive the ballots in the mail, which will also include a postage paid return envelope.

Visit Secondary of State Denise Merrill’s website for more information on voting absentee.

Stamford also has two secure ballot drop boxes. One is located at the Government Center (on the first level of the parking garage) and at Harry Bennett Library to allow voters to deliver their absentee ballots in person without personal contact.

For those who would still like to cast their vote in person, polling locations will be open on August 11.

Do you still need to register to vote? Contact the Registrar of Voters at (203) 977-4011 or (203) 977-4012 or register online. You can also check to see if you are registered to vote, here.

For more information call the Stamford Town Clerk’s office at (203) 977-5280.

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