pwsadmin | Stamford Moms

Where To Go Peach Picking in CT & NY!

Peach picking season has begun at some farms in Connecticut and New York… and some farms are also still picking raspberries and blueberries! We have a list of farms to go to pick your own peaches! To make sure you have the most accurate crop information on the...

Summer 2023 Carnivals!

It’s carnival season! What better way to enjoy some time outside as a family while keeping everyone entertained than by heading to a carnival this summer! Scroll down for a list of upcoming events in Stamford and surrounding towns over the next few months! The...

Where To Catch An Outdoor Movie!

Outdoor movies are back… and they’re super fun! When it comes to catching a movie in the park or even from the comfort of your own car, there are several options again this summer! Check out our list of theaters within an hour drive of Stamford, as well as...

2023 4th of July Celebrations In & Around Stamford!

Looking for funs way to celebrate 4th of July with your family… and maybe see some fireworks? We have put together a list of exciting events and displays in our area! Westport Fireworks Thursday, June 29 (Friday, June 30 raindate) This is a ticketed event and...

Enjoy Summer at a Beer Garden!

If you’re looking for fun ways to enjoy the summer with friends and family… you may want to head to one of Stamford’s outdoor beer gardens! Scroll down for our list of family friendly beer gardens and outdoor breweries in Stamford! The Beer Garden at...

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