candy | Stamford Moms

Fun Ideas For All The Leftover Halloween Candy!

Halloween is over… and your house is filled to the brim with your kids’ candy haul! (Not to mention all the leftovers from what you didn’t hand out). So what do you do with all of it? Scroll down for some ideas, including creative ones from our sister...

What to do with ALL that Halloween Candy (so you don’t eat it)

Now that Halloween is over, your pantry is probably filled to the brim with candy that your family can’t possibly finish. So, we have a few options for getting rid of the loot!      Toys for Treat Program After Halloween Hello Dental $10 gift card for the first...

The Teal Pumpkin Project: Making Halloween Fun For Everyone!

With Halloween just over a week away, the kids are undoubtedly excited about all the Halloween treats to come! But, according to Food Allergy Research & Education, one in 13 children has a food allergy. Nuts, eggs, milk wheat and soy are the most common allergens...

Easter Basket Ideas

Filling the kids’ Easter baskets can be a challenge… especially when you’re looking for something other than a ton of candy! So, we checked Amazon and found a few great options… some do contain sugar. But others are fun and educational! One...

Best & Worst Halloween Candy

According to, Americans buy almost 600 million pounds of candy a year for Halloween. Wondering which kind will make you the most popular house to trick or treat at this Halloween? The Daily Meal came up with a list of the 25 most popular Halloween candies....

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