Meet Julia | Stamford Moms

How many kids do you have and what are their age(s)?
I have one daughter, Amalia. She is 9 months old!

How long have you lived in Stamford? What made you decide to live here?
I’ve been living in Stamford for almost four years now. My husband, Anel, and I were so sick of NYC life with all of the noise, our walk-up apartment, and the intense energy. We were itching to get out and Anel had always wanted to open a fitness studio in Greenwich, so it all kind of just worked out!

What’s your favorite family activity in Stamford?
I have a few! Our favorite family activity by far is hiking in Mianus River Park with our dog, Boots. We put the baby in the carrier and go year round! It feels great to connect with nature and it tires out the pup. In the summer, we love hitting up the farmer’s market to pick out fresh produce for the rest of our week. For non-summer months, we love going to early dinners at Bartaco. Amalia loves to look at the fans and my husband and I like to sneak in a margarita even on the nights when we don’t have a sitter. The baby loves their guacamole too!

What’s your favorite coffee shop in Stamford?
I have always been a big fan of Lorca because they have matcha and I love the vibe. But Humbled Coffee recently opened and it might be my new favorite! There is a lot more room for the days when I want to work outside of the house. P.S. they also have matcha!

What are your diaper bag must haves when you leave the house?
Lately it’s all about the snacks! I keep a container of puffs in there at all times, and when I have some extra time I’ll throw in blueberries and cut up cheese, her current favorites. Amalia is a major book worm so I always keep 2-3 books in our diaper bag and switch them out so she never gets sick of them.

What’s your favorite thing to do when you need some “me time”?
I don’t have a lot of free time these days, but when I two I like to treat myself to something that is both quick and relaxing. My go-to is an express infrared sauna session at Inner Light Wellness in Darien. In just 25 minutes, I leave feeling rejuvenated and detoxed. For an even quicker pick-me-up, I head to Hollywood Nails in New Canaan for a 10 minute neck massage. Trust me, it’s worth the drive!

What do you love about blogging?
I started my blog, Lemon Stripes, almost 10 years ago. I started it originally to share healthy recipes with my friends and family, and it somehow evolved into this full fledged business!

The blogging world has changed a lot over those years but what I love the most about it is connecting with my readers on a very real level. When I miscarried two years ago, I wrote a post about it and still get emails about that post every single day. Women tell me that it made them feel less alone in their journey and that makes me feel like I’m doing at least one thing right.

How has the blog changed since you became a mommy?
I feel like I’ve connected even more with my readers because moms love to talk about being moms and learning from other moms (I’m sure you all get that!) It’s so fun to share what I learn as a mother with the world. We’re all just trying to figure it out!

How do you balance career & mommyhood?
If anyone has a good answer for that, please send it my way! It’s a constant battle full of that famous mom guilt that I never understood until I had a child.

But I’ve gotten into a groove and have a few tips:

  1. Ask for help when you can– I was trying to take care of my baby and work from home full time and that wasn’t working at all. I was losing my mind and nearly had a nervous breakdown. Amalia is now in daycare five days a week for six hours a day and it both gives me enough time to get my work done, and still gives me multiple hours with her a day.
  2. Don’t bite off more than you can chew– I’ve learned to say no to a lot more than I used to. I only take on projects that fulfill me and pay the bills!
  3. When you’re with your kids, be present. Because I work from home, it’s easy to keep working at nights and on weekends, but when I’m with my daughter I try to always shut down. She’s growing up so quickly, I don’t want to miss a second!

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten from another mom?
Make choices that make you happy! When you’re calm and happy, you’re a better mother (I know I am anyway) and can make better decisions for your child. Obviously their health and safety comes first, but when it comes to things like child care, what foods to feed them first, and when you want to stop breastfeeding, don’t listen to all of the noise. Do what works for you and your family, because no one understands the inner workings of it better than you do.

Check out Julia’s blog!

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