Designs by Lee: 6 Early Spring Gardening Tips | Stamford Moms

Do the few glimpses of spring we’ve seen so far have you ready to start your spring garden? Our friends at Designs by Lee have 6 tips for getting your garden started in early spring!

  1. Start preparing your garden beds for planting by clearing away any debris and weeds. If the soil is workable, you can also begin tilling or turning it over to help aerate the soil.
  2. This is a great time to start planting cold-hardy vegetables like lettuce, spinach, and peas. You can also start sowing seeds for warm-season crops like tomatoes, peppers, and squash indoors to get a head start on the growing season.
  3. As the weather begins to warm up, be sure to keep an eye on your garden for signs of pests and diseases. Consider implementing organic pest control methods to keep your plants healthy.
  4. If you have any fruit trees or berry bushes in your garden, now is a good time to prune them before new growth begins. This will help promote healthy growth and fruit production later in the season.
  5. Don’t forget to give your garden a good dose of compost or organic fertilizer to help nourish the soil and provide essential nutrients for your plants.
  6. Don’t forget to water your plants regularly, especially as the weather begins to warm up. Be sure to water deeply and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings to promote healthy root growth.

Designs By Lee Inc. provides nursery and garden center products and services to the Stamford area. Visit them seven days a week, 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. at 129 Interlaken Road in Stamford.

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